Feldenkrais Classes
The below classes have now finished. Please click here for information on Feldenkrais classes currently offered. |
Rhythms in Life 3
What are the rhythms that shape your day? The changing seasons, light and dark are a background to our daily life. We live with the cycles of the heart and breath, the fluctuations of cerebrospinal fluid and the waves of peristalsis, whether we are aware of them or not. Walking and running too provide an internal clock.
I invite you to join with me in exploring the rhythms in life. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 6pm
Wednesdays at 11:30am & 6pm
Commencing October, 2010
Lessons last from 45 mins - 1 hr |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 4 lessons $80
Casual - $25 per session |
Rhythms in Life
What are the rhythms that shape your day? The changing seasons, light and dark are a background to our daily life. We live with the cycles of the heart and breath, the fluctuations of cerebrospinal fluid and the waves of peristalsis, whether we are aware of them or not. Walking and running too provide an internal clock.
I invite you to join with me in exploring the rhythms in life. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am & 6pm
Wednesdays at 11:30am
Commencing 20 & 21 July, 2010 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 4 lessons $80
Casual - $25 per session |
Walking is mostly performed as a way to go from here to there, to do the shopping, to get to the fridge, as well as walking for exercise and health. The ‘how’ is unnoticed as we go about our daily lives and yet everyday activities can be the foundation of comfort. Finding better movement for your back, or your feet, to think with more clarity, or to feel more confident is possible by increasing self-awareness. New research suggests that our bodies and their relationship with the environment govern even our most abstract thoughts. The way you think and feel and sense and move are inextricably related to your actions in the world.
"Harmonious, efficient movement prevents wear and tear. More important however, is what it does to the image of ourselves and our relationship to the world around us." Moshe Feldenkrais |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am & 6pm
Wednesdays at 11:30am
Commencing 27 April, 2010 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 8 lessons $155
Casual - $25 per session |
Mind and Its Potential
The Brain, the Mind and Life in the 21st Century was the title of Baroness Susan Greenfield’s presentation at the Mind and Its Potential Conference. Over the next two days we were treated to a quickly moving smorgasbord of ideas from many different disciplines and perspectives. The questions reverberating were:
- What is brain?
- What is mind?
- How do we learn?
- How do we overcome adversity and disability?
- How should we live our lives?
This term I will be teaching classic Awareness Through Movement lessons and will include ideas from the conference. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am & 6pm
Wednesdays at 11:30am & 6pm
Commencing 9 February, 2010 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 8 lessons $155
Casual - $25 per session |
The Carriage of the Head
- Develop self-carriage
- Be more graceful in action
- Improve posture
- Reach a higher level of performance
The erect posture of humans is unique in the animal world. Human locomotion and standing is the result of the management of a mechanically unstable system for action in the world. It took many years of learning to develop even basic level co-ordination of your complex neuro-musculo-skeletal system. What are the benefits of this organisation? What is good posture? What is it good for? How does your thinking, feeling, sensing self move? Pay attention to how you move in diverse and unusual Feldenkrais lessons for more quality of life. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am, 5:30pm & 7pm
Thursdays at 11:30am
Commencing 20 October, 2009 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 5 lessons $90
Casual - $25 per session |
- Develop agility
- Feel confident in action
- Become more resourceful
- Reach a higher level of performance
Dexterity denotes an ability to meet a changing world with effective actions. Explore the concept of dexterity and its development. By following the fascinating journey of evolution, and observing yourself in action, develop your ability to be dexterous and resourceful. Pay attention to how you move in diverse and unusual Feldenkrais lessons for more quality of life. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am, 5:30pm & 7pm
Commencing 28 July, 2009 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 9 lessons $160
Casual - $25 per session |
Revitalise and Rejoice in Movement
- Enjoy comfortable movement
- Feel confident in action
- Develop agility
- Reach a higher level of performance
Moving is central to everything we do but we don't usually pay attention to 'how' we move. Explore fluid and elegant movement to reclaim your vitality. Pay attention to how you move in diverse and unusual Feldenkrais classes for more quality of life. The lessons will have real life applications which will make what you learn immediately useful. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am, 5:30pm & 7pm
Commencing 12 May, 2009 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 9 lessons $160
Casual - $25 per session |
Moving Efficiently
- Improve posture
- Feel stronger in action
- Develop agility
- Reach a higher level of performance
Moving is central to everything we do but we don't usually pay attention to 'how' we move. We will continue our explorations of how to do powerful movements easily. Pushing and pulling, lifting and carrying. Paying attention to how you move in diverse and unusual Feldenkrais lessons lets you develop more efficient action. The classes will have real life applications which will make what you learn immediately useful. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am, 5:30pm & 7pm
Commencing 3 February, 2009 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 9 lessons $160
Casual - $25 per session |
- Improve self-carriage
- Feel confident in action
- Develop agility
- Lift and carry with comfort
This term's Awareness Through Movement ® Feldenkrais classes will follow on from 'making each step count' to include exploration of lifting and carrying loads. We will continue our discoveries of movement in action. What burdens do you carry in life? Heavy boxes, supermarket shopping, laundry, books, arms, your hopes and dreams..... Discover new ways to lift and carry loads. |
Times |
Tuesdays at 10am, 5:30pm & 7pm
Commencing 14 October, 2008 |
Location |
Hills District, North-West Sydney |
Cost |
Term - 9 lessons $160
Casual - $25 per session |
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography |