About Catherine Hamber
Catherine Hamber has a practice on the outskirts of Sydney and loves to bush walk and garden, horse ride and play with her grandson. She is a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, Assistant Trainer and My Potent Self Facilitator. She has experience as an equestrian coach for able-bodied athletes and those with disabilities.
'My interest in human movement and aliveness has been life-long. My physiotherapy training taught me the 'what' but not the 'how'. Feldenkrais has opened a door on how moving, feeling, thinking are entwined in perception and action in the world. I am learning the way movement and attention direct progress. Finding my growing point has led me to explore new and interesting aspects of living. My intent is to live a potent and open-hearted life.'
Catherine Hamber |
For more information on how improved movement can lead to a more satisfying life,
please contact us or visit the Feldenkrais Sydney Facebook page.
Read what others have said about Feldenkrais classes and individual sessions with Catherine.
Member Australian Physiotherapy Association
Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner
Member Australian Feldenkrais Guild
TTEAM™ Practitioner 2